As we celebrated our baby’s 3rd month, I’m amazed at how quickly he’s growing and changing. This month has been a whirlwind of firsts and new discoveries, and I can’t wait to share some of the highlights!
Developmental Milestones:
This month, we’ve noticed our little guy becoming more aware of his surroundings. His curiosity seems to be growing daily, and he’s much more engaged with us and his toys. Some of the biggest milestones include:
Stronger Neck Control: He’s lifting his head during tummy time like a pro! We love watching him bob his little head up and look around the room. It’s a huge leap from the wobbly newborn days.
Social Smiles: Those sweet little smiles have become more frequent, and we’re soaking in every one of them. He’s even starting to mimic our facial expressions, which makes for some fun bonding moments.
Increased Cooing: He’s discovered his voice and loves to coo and babble at us. We’ve had some adorable “conversations” with him, where we respond to his little sounds, and he “talks” right back.
Hand Discovery: His tiny hands are constantly exploring. He’s starting to grasp objects better, and sometimes, we’ll catch him staring in fascination at his own fingers like they’re the most interesting thing in the world.
We’ve been lucky this month with longer stretches of sleep at night! While he still wakes up for feedings, we’re getting more solid chunks of rest, which has been a lifesaver. He’s settling into more of a routine, and I think we’re all benefiting from it.
Favorite Moments:
One of my favorite memories this month was when he laughed for the first time. It was a tiny, squeaky little laugh, but it completely melted our hearts. We’ve been trying to get him to laugh again ever since!
We also had a fun time introducing him to more of his surroundings. From stroller walks to sitting outside with us on the porch, he’s starting to enjoy the fresh air and new sights.
Of course, it hasn’t been all easy. Teething is slowly creeping in, and we’re starting to notice some fussiness. He’s drooling a lot more, and everything he grabs goes straight to his mouth. We’re preparing for the arrival of those first teeth, though we’re not quite sure when they’ll pop through!
As I look back on his third month, I’m reminded of how precious this time is. Watching him grow and develop right before our eyes is such a blessing, even on the tough days. It’s been incredible to see how his little personality is starting to shine through, and we’re so excited for what’s to come.
If I could give advice to any parent with a 3-month-old, it would be to cherish the little moments—those tiny smiles, the soft coos, and the sweet snuggles. It all goes by so fast, but each stage has its own special beauty.
Until next month, we’ll keep enjoying every milestone and snuggle with our growing boy!
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